I'm Tasha and I'm in Taipei. Okay?

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Hairy Harry On Tasha's Tushie

There's a hairy little guy called Harry and he's taken temporary residence on my tush.

Harry lives on a nice and sterile pad of white gauze and tape that had been attached to the left cheek of my bum by a very cute male nurse, earlier today. The nurse has skilled hands and a very proper British accent. The accent is fake, however. I asked him to feign it in order to give the whole procedure more class and credibility. It's also damn sexy.

The dressing needed to be applied because of this:
Yes, just the kind of photos you would expect of me. I know. I'm appalling.

But, wait! There's more....

The FIVE heroic stitches are there because something had to be taken out of Tasha's Tushie yesterday.

This used to be there:And that now resides in a container in my fridge.

If you wanted to see it live, you had to be at Carnegie's Friday night. Now it's too late. I'm not taking it out to clubs anymore. Or at least not until I find formaldehyde. Which I tried to do this morning, but failed. You wouldn't believe how difficult it is to explain to a Taiwanese pharmacist what is formaldehyde and why I need it.

Juliana doesn't know any of this yet. Hence this note on the fridge: Anyway... Back to Harry and the dashing male nurse with the sexy, fake British accent... I felt sorry for little Harry all alone out there on my bum. So the nurse drew him a home planet. Look how happy little Harry is now:
Don't get too attached to Harry though. He's being replaced by a new bandage tomorrow.


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