I'm Tasha and I'm in Taipei. Okay?

Monday, November 06, 2006


Anyone who lives in Taiwan knows the Blue Trucks of Death.

They are blue and they will bring you instant death, if you give them a chance.

They seem to outnumber taxis both in numbers and in number-of-injuries-incurred.

There are countless anecdotes about murderous blue truck drivers, but this is not one of those. This is a happy story.

I was standing on an overpass one day, taking random photos of cars (Yes, this is how every normal, 34yo Croatian woman living in Taipei passes her time!). I saw a blue truck approach and I zoomed in as much as my poor little cheapo camera could, hoping I’d get one of those typical, scary-looking blue-truck drivers. You know the kind I mean, dirty tank-top, one leg on the dashboard (sometimes it's the RIGHT leg, too!), flip-flops, mouth red with betelnut...

So, I go *snap*... and I get this:

Nothing special it seems. Two guys in a blue truck, kitchen appliances in the back... but wait till I zoom in:

Not only do they not look anything like I expected, but they're WEARING SEAT BELTS! and look at the t-shirt print: "I HEART LIFE"

OK, OK, that one guy does have his foot on the dashboard, but to his defense, he's not the driver, and more importantly, he's not wearing flip-flops!

Isn't this just the warmest, sweetest, loveliest blue-truck story you've ever read?!


Blogger Joytoyz said...

Seat belts? I Heart Life t-shirt? Shoes WITH socks? Shit, men like these two are rare. Hook me up.

7/11/06 15:53

Blogger Andre said...

... and they don't seem to be chewing betel nuts! WOW!

28/11/06 17:54

Blogger Michael Turton said...

Them are big-noses!

18/1/07 22:44


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